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Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

VR & Documentary: The Real Thing

Immerse yourself in an unforgettable 360° experience that feels like more than just a visit to China—it feels completely real.

The Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, Venice, the Vatican. These are just some of the many monuments or even entire cities whose replicas have been made. More than simple copies, these constructions reflect a certain worldview: places shaped according to what we consider ideal. A sometimes absurd journey through the monumental copycat architecture of China, among others countries.

In 'The Real Thing' (2018) by Benoit Felici & Mathias Chelebourg, the inhabitants guide us in the parallel world where they have chosen to live.


Sunday 30 March

13:00 - 19:00 

Language: Mandarin with English subtitles

Tickets on sale: Monday 3 February

€ 20 / € 9 (students) / UiTPAS kansentarief (part of the Made in China Festival Day)

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